The One Event You Need to Attend if You’re Feeling Stuck in Your Business

And three reasons why it will help you find momentum

Synergy Collab
2 min readMar 22, 2021

My team and I attended a mastermind last week and I wanted to share our 3 biggest takeaways…

Like-Minded People Can Make All the Difference

The second we entered the AirBnb, the energy was different. Before me lay a house full of friendly, outgoing people all there for the same purpose, to take action and elevate their business.

So many times I’ve felt the loneliness of entrepreneurship. For so many months it’s been myself and our small team “in the lab” working towards our dreams. While I am very fortunate to come from an entrepreneurial mother and have several friends who understand what entrepreneurship looks and feels like, it can be a lonely.

To enter into a house filled with people that ‘just get it’ was like showing up at a party where you know everyone. Our team instantly felt at home and excited to dive in.

The Collective Mind Is Stronger Than One

Once we were all settled, we dove right in. As one person stood up and presented their company and their current problem, we all leaned in with feedback, questions, and new ideas.

It was like a beautiful hurricane. With pure excitement and enthusiasm everyone participated, giving their all to help the one presenting. And the results were unbelievable.

Time and time again, someone would stand at the front, confused, lacking clarity, but determined to break through the wall. And we came together as a collective mind to break it down. The results were incredible and it was a perfect demonstration that the collective mind is so much stronger than just one.

Momentum and Energy Are Critical for Taking Action

Last, but probably the most important was internalizing the importance of momentum and forward-moving energy. Just like with going to an event or a concert, when the content and the crowd all coalesce, the energy is electrifying.

We felt that at the mastermind intensely and it’s still energizing us even a few days later. But our mentor made sure to remind us of this..

The momentum and energy are critical because it fuels the action that needs to come next. Without action, you merely have energy that has yet to be aimed in a specific direction.

So, here we are today. Sharing our experience, making our lists, filling out our planners, excited to take action TODAY!


P.S. — Remember, You’re just one collab away!

