The 30 Minute Routine That Drives Me Towards Success

And why they’re so effective

Synergy Collab
2 min readApr 9, 2021

I’m all about systems and processes, so when it comes to my day-to-day habits, I make sure I can fit A LOT in just 30 minutes. Here’s what I do..

I publish constantly to my community

Every. single. day. My team and I publish 100s of times a week in order to keep a pulse on what our community is looking at and wanting to consume. The mediums we primarily focus on are Facebook/Instagram and YouTube, but it depends on where your personal community congregates. Make sure you know this clearly before dedicating time to publishing.

We think about what we’re grateful for

I start off every single day with a few minutes laying in bed focusing on what I’m grateful for. Others, like my fiance, might like to roll out their yoga mat, but I find making it the FIRST thing I do in the morning allows me to focus more clearly on it. Before my feet even touch the ground, I’ve consciously noted what I’m grateful for!

We document our day-to-day

I document literally everything. Call me crazy, but I can virtually guarantee I have a more targeted pulse of my day-to-day than most people. I can look back SO easily and identify what I’ve been more focused on over the week, month, and year.

Doing this not only helps with my consistent publishing strategy, but also with being mindful of my life.

What are your strategic daily habits that help you stay focused on success?


Kaid Collins

