They Change as You Evolve..

What Are They?

Synergy Collab
2 min readFeb 19, 2021

The other day, we discussed Principles and some of you even shared with us what yours were!

Today, we’re diving in on the yin to the yang of principles, VALUES.

If you missed the other post, I highly recommend you read that first (Read it here!). We discussed how principles are forever, while your values evolve throughout your life as you evolve too.

Values can change in a moment and you’ll know what I mean by the examples I share below.

Ever been hyper focused on your physical health, only to get injured?

Suddenly your health value of working out every day has changed to rehabbing your injury and making sure your diet reflects foods that help with body repair.

Ever been super intent on a hobby/passion project and trying to hustle hard, like crafting things for your Etsy shop, but then work gave you a big opportunity/project to work on?

Quickly your hobby is set aside so you can dedicate 100% of your energy on performing at the highest level for your company.

Values Change. It’s natural.

Your values back in college years are likely nowhere near the same if you’re now married with kids.

So what are our values here at Synergy Collab?





Personal Development.



These values are woven into each and every single one of our days. In fact, my fiancè and I practice a little something called the 100 Day Lifestyle, but more on that another time.

Hope this helped you flesh out what your own principles and values are. Next week we’ll dive further into HOW to actually implement both within your daily life.

Bye for now..


The Hope Man

P.S. — Remember, You’re just one collab away!

